Learn how to drop 7 pounds in 20 days and keep it off...

  • Don’t Buy Into the Narrative That Having a Dad Bod is Cool…

  • Don’t Buy Into the Thought That Being a Man is Toxic…

  • It’s Time to Bring Back the ‘Ripped Dads’ of Yesteryear.

Click here to receive a Free Guide on how!

My name is Kyle Newell, aka the Panda Man.  I have been in the trenches with training and nutrition for 27 years now and during that time, I have been Coached by some of the best in the world, competed 7 times in bodybuilding shows and despite all that….I was a prisoner to my diet and my food.  

That was a BIG problem, because I have a voracious appetite and I absolutely love, love, love to eat! 

After being a chronic dieter for 20 plus years and my wife telling me, ‘Babe, I love you, but for all the work and effort you put into your training and diet, I would think that it would result in a leaner body’...

That stung, but it was the truth and it summed up the frustration that I had been feeling for so long.  

So, selfishly, I created my Panda Diet…so I could finally stop counting calories, eat what I wanted and as much as I wanted to and transform my body. 

If You Want To:

  • Eat the foods you love while dropping some serious fat…

  • Finally understand why all the diets you’ve done have failed you..

  • Have a lifestyle where you gain muscle and drop the spare tire, without missing out..

  • Have the ultimate clarity and understanding of how your body was meant to function…

  • Feel and Look Younger…

    Then click the button below to receive your FREE Guide on how!

Click here to receive a Free Guide

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